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Artists 4 Israel
Artists 4 Israel empowers artists to express their support for Israel's artistic and cultural freedoms and the nation's right to exist in peace and security. They are an artists' rights organization that supports Israel and an Israeli advocacy organization motivated by artists' rights.
The Netanya municipality invited Artists 4 Israel to come add some urban art to Netanya. This idea to jazz up Netanya streets turned into a twelve day event with twelve artists from around the world (Spain, Portugal, USA, Czech Republic, Belgium, Germany, and Israel). They painted day and night also working with local artists painting the walls of the shuk. If you live locally, you can go see their work by following the map. If not, we have tons of photos for you.
This wasn’t the first time Netanya saw Artists 4 Israel. They also helped us bring more color to two elementary schools and community centers with beautiful murals and continue to express their support for Netanya and for Israel.
May 17-25, 2015 | May 22 - Jun 4, 2016
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