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Help Needy Children
There are 47,359 children living in Netanya and over 10,000 of them are recognized by the Welfare Department as children in need. Immigrants from Ethiopia and the former Soviet Union make up a third of this group. In the harsh financial climate, which is further aggravated by cutbacks on social security stipends, many families are unable to provide adequate clothing for their children.
Forced to wear ill-fitting, old garments, the children often feel shame and are uncomfortable in their environment. The Netanya Foundation works to provide clothing and shoes for children in need. With your help, we can send these children to school with clothes that fit their size and season. Even a small donation can make a huge difference to a child.
Clothing and Shoes for children
$300 per child

Clothing and Shoes for Adults
$300 per person

There are no words to describe the joy and appreciation of the children who are given an equal opportunity to integrate with their peer groups, thus preventing them from feeling unworthy.