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The Inspiring Story of Dani Dvir

Dani Dvir made Aliyah from Iraq. Needless to say, this was a difficulty transition for Dani. He was struggling to fit into society until he found the right teacher who led him down a path to proper education and, most importantly, to hope. He grew up in a tiny hut with nine other people. His parents were illiterate and so was he until one day a teacher named Orna Carmi came in to his life and put him on the track to success.

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in remembrance of that special someone who believed in you

Today, 60 years later, Danny Dvir tells his story in a biography, which he produced and funded. The book tells the course of his life from miserable conditions, extreme poverty, and constant hunger to an impressive military career and financial success.

His book, "Tzuf Hadvorah" (The Bee's Nectar), was launched Thursday, May 27, 2015. Mr. Dvir dedicated all of the book revenues to Alumot Elemetary School in Netanya, where he


studied as a child and where he found Orna Carmi, the first person who believed him. Three hundred people celebrated the book launch and received an autographed copy. The book is available only in Hebrew for the time being.

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