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A "Maleh" Classroom for Kids at Risk in Shazar Elementary School
The "Maleh" classroom ("Alternative Learning Space") helps kids at risk with various problems and difficulties, who are potential "drop-outs" from the educational system. They suffer from behavioral, educational and emotional problems. In this classroom, they will receive a response to their specific and individual needs through different therapies (art, animals, etc.), extra tutoring and self-empowerment. The kids' schedules are built together with the child so that they are part of the process itself.
The renovations and new furniture have totally transformed this classroom into a warm, inviting, calm and relaxing area which will truly help to reach the kids who need the services this classroom offers. All this was made possible thanks to the generosity of "Hands on Tzdakah", FL. The classroom is in use every day, throughout the school day. Through this program, we are helping about 15 children will benefit from this classroom every year.
The Netanya Foundation, the management, and staff of the school are grateful to "Hands on Tzdakah" for helping us reach these kids in an alternative way, helping to inspire and empower them so that they can reach their full potential, which otherwise may not have been possible.
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